Rediscover Your Inner Strength and Find Peace

Through self-discovery you may find yourself reevaluating
your identity and aspirations, leading to personal growth.

Benefits of my therapy

Middle-Aged Women

Discover the power of therapy and its transformative benefits for middle-aged women. My specialized approach focuses on empowering women to overcome challenges, heal from trauma, and achieve personal growth.

Explore emotions of uncertainty and stress, and gain valuable coping strategies to manage them effectively.

Enhance your communication and decision-making skills including marriages and caregiving responsibilities for aging parents.

Offers a safe space to process emotions of loss,or grief, anxiety, depression, and unhealed trauma

If you're a woman in your 40's, 50's or 60's...

...taking the step to engage in therapy can be a profoundly enriching choice. This life stage ushers in a unique set of challenges and opportunities that can significantly impact your emotional and physical health.

It can involve navigating major life transitions, such as your children leaving home or shifts in your career. These changes often bring about feelings of uncertainty and stress. In therapy, you'll have the chance to explore these emotions and gain valuable coping strategies to manage them effectively. Therapy can also enhance your communication and decision-making skills, which are crucial for navigating evolving relationships, including marriages and caregiving responsibilities for aging parents.

Midlife is also a period of self-discovery.

This stage is where you may find yourself reevaluating your identity and aspirations. While this process can lead to personal growth, it may also bring about confusion or discontent. Therapy provides a supportive environment to help you manage these complex emotions and make informed decisions.

For those grappling with grief and loss, whether due to the passing of loved ones or the sensation of time slipping away quickly...

...therapy offers a safe space to process these emotions and find solace. And if you're dealing with mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, or unresolved trauma, therapy can be instrumental in addressing these issues and facilitating healing.

Even if you're simply motivated to work on personal growth, self-improvement, and enhancing your overall well-being, therapy is a proactive step in that direction. It offers crucial guidance, support, and practical strategies for navigating the complexities of this life stage with resilience, promoting improved emotional health, and helping you make the most of this transformative period.

Ready to embark on the path to the life you aspire to lead?

Reach out today to start your journey of healing and transformation.

Lynn Lasky, LCSW 
Hill Oaks Therapy Austin, TX
About me

Hi, I'm Lynn.

Perfectionism, isolation, anxiety and overwhelm don't have to define your story. Neither does trauma.

Change happens now and it starts with you.

Together, we can discover solution focused skills and your innate strengths to unleash your authentic, successful self.

You can repair your relationships, find balance and break the chains of the past.

Reach out today. Let's write your success story.

Client testimonials

Read what our clients have to say about us.

Working with Therapy for High-Achieving Adults and Middle-Aged Women has been life-changing. Their expertise in trauma and EMDR therapy has helped me overcome my past and find healing.

Jane Doe

CEO, ABC Company

I highly recommend Therapy for High-Achieving Adults and Middle-Aged Women. Their compassionate approach and effective therapy techniques have made a significant impact on my well-being.

John Smith

Marketing Manager, XYZ Inc.

Therapy for High-Achieving Adults and Middle-Aged Women has truly transformed my life. I am forever grateful for their support and guidance.

Emily Johnson

HR Director, DEF Corp.

I can't thank Therapy for High-Achieving Adults and Middle-Aged Women enough for the positive changes they have helped me make. Their expertise and compassion are unmatched.

Michael Brown

Finance Manager, GHI Company

Get in touch

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In-person available Central Austin, TX
On-line in Texas and Florida